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Have you ever juiced? Well, this week, I decided to become a guinea pig of sorts and do a little juicing. My desire to try something new was apropos of last week's post on swimsuit trends. I assume that I wasn't the only one wondering how I would fit into a bathing suit.

Since I'm a complete carbavore, I became quite intrigued by a certain juice cleanse, known to detox your body and often referred to as "liquid lipo." I had my concerns since I have a realistic approach to food and don't believe in dieting, but after feeling sluggish from eating all the wrong foods, I decided to go for it it; if for nothing else, for my health.

I chose to juice with Catalyst Cleanse, a local company, so I knew that the juices wouldn't be traveling too far. The best part about the process was the delivery. My 3-day cleanse was delivered to my home and placed right into my fridge. was that easy!

Although, I am hesitant to call this a diet, what I looked forward to the most from this process was sending my stomach on a proverbial vacation. So, while I sat tirelessly at my desk, by body would be catching a break. Plus, I was told that my energy level would go through the roof since I wouldn't be using any energy to digest actual food. This really came in handy when I had to cut out caffeine for three days. Sounds easy enough, right?

Well, what I didn't realize was that I couldn't eat pasta and chocolate cake the night before, so starting my first day of juicing was a bit harder for me than probably most people. But, that did not deter me and so I dived right in, into a bright green bottle of liquid goodness. The first juice tasted mostly like cucumber, which I didn't mind since truth be told it would have taken me an entire month to eat the amount of fruits and vegetables the healthy concoction contained. Each flavor after the green juice tasted better and better.

When I finished the cleanse I felt like a million bucks. The days went by quickly but mostly because the people at Catalyst Cleanse have thought everything through. Not only did they give me 5 different juice favors to tickle my taste buds throughout the day but they made the last juice of the set very enticing. So each night I got to enjoy a creamy sweet cashew milk. Yum! To answer the question you are probably thinking "but wasn't she hungry?" The answer is no, I didn't feel hungry. Trust me, this was my biggest concern, too.

To sums thing up, I signed up to feel revitalized, to put a glow on my face and possibly lose a few pounds and I am happy to report that I was able to achieve all of those things. It felt amazing giving my body the much needed vitamins, minerals and enzymes but most importantly to provide the vacation it needed.

I just have to dispel some assumptions, assumptions that I myself had until I learned about what I was getting myself into. Catalyst Cleanse is not a crash diet, it is a healthy way to jump start your body, discover the discipline in you and get rid of unhealthy habits. I have not looked at food the same way since the cleanse and I don't take a single morsel of food I put into my body for granted. I don't know if this is for everyone, so you will have to decide for yourself, but I am glad that I did it and would do it again in a heartbeat. I hope my experience was helpful to you. Happy juicing ladies and gentleman.

- Biana


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