100 Things to do in Philly + Events + Philadelphia Deals & more!


 What is Crowdsourcing?

Crowdsourcing is the process of getting work or funding, usually online, from a crowd of people. The word is a combination of the words 'crowd' and 'outsourcing'. The idea is to take work and outsource it to a crowd of workers.

Famous Example: Wikipedia. Instead of Wikipedia creating an encyclopedia on their own, hiring writers and editors, they gave a crowd the ability to create the information on their own. The result? The most comprehensive encyclopedia this world has ever seen.

Crowdsourcing & Quality: The principle of crowdsourcing is that more heads are better than one. By canvassing a large crowd of people for ideas, skills, or participation, the quality of content and idea generation will be superior.

What part can I play in the Philly to do groundswell?

(Special thanks to Charlene Li & Josh Bernoff, authors of Groundswell)

Below is a list of our participation groups:

  1. Spectator: Simply receive our weekly "Email to Philly" (Sign up here)
  2. Creator: Post Philly Events! (Add your event here)
  3. Philly To Do Scout: Find the best events and deals in Philly (Post your "Philly to do list here)
  4. Suggester: Suggest the "Best of Philly" for our "Philly to do" list (Suggest the best here)
  5. Advertiser: (Click here for more info)

How do I make it to the "Philly to do" list?

Just be the best in Philly! We pick the best businesses, events and deals in Philly each Monday

Step one: Apply for a profile on Philly to do
Step two: Add your event
Step three: Tell your friends to submit your event/business on our "Suggest the best" page
Step four: Make sure that you receive our "Email to Philadelphia" so you can see our weekly "Philly to do" list


How do I get the "Philly to do" list?

All you have to do is sign up for our weekly "Email to Philadelphia"

How do I promote my events on (Click here to apply)

Are you a Philadelphia business, non-profit, musician, event planner, marketing company, night life promoter, or just an fan of Philadelphia? Share your events with the 1000's that subscribe to Philly to do. All submissions are free.


What does it cost to post an event on Philly to do?

After we accept you to our community, posting events is FREE!

As long as you follow the rules!

We accept 10 new profiles every week.


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