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Ladies, don't fall prey to Shoe-icide. Even your highest, most gravity defying shoes can be transformed to feel to like butter. The key is to never leave the store with a pair that pinches, squeezes or rubs your pretty little feet in the first place.

Coming from a woman that appreciates high heels, I can tell you that if a shoe's uncomfortable from the moment you put it on, it's time to reconsider the purchase. Never buy shoes thinking that you'll break them in or get them stretched. No matter how tempting they may be, this is about as realistic as buying jeans two sizes too small; thinking that you'll go on a crash diet. To ensure that the shoe is right for you, try standing and walking around the store. The entire theory about beauty requiring sacrifice is completely 

bizarre. How beautiful can you look if you can't walk with ease?

Once you've found the shoe that's both gorgeous and comfy every issue thereafter can be easily solved. With that being said, even the most comfortable of shoes needs time to mold to your foot and I've got just the tools to make this a seamless process. And since owning comfortable shoes is one of life's necessities my tips will make the most unapproachable of shoes feel more comfy than they look.
What's In Your Shoe Arsenal?
People associate height with discomfort, when in reality platforms and wedges are the Zoloft to Shoe-icide. But support is something that all shoes can have more of.
One of the biggest problems with high heel shoes is that their angle puts your entire weight on the ball of your foot. This is where Foot Petals come in. Tip Toes by Foot Petals, $6.95 are a super adorable and inexpensive solution to burning and sliding feet. Plus, they'll put a bounce to your step with their ultra soft texture. And since you never know when or where you'll need to be rescued from foot pain, keep Foot Petals on hand whenever you wear heels.
Ideal for open and closed toe shoes, these little cushion miracles are something that I personally can't live without. Foot Petals are a perfect accessory for virtually any occasion and shoe and a true companion to high heels. For more varieties of foot pads, check out the Foot Petal site.
The Shoe Whisperer
Band-Aid brand is synonymous with adhesive bandages but for all you ladies who know a thing or two about foot 
blisters, it's a life saver! But who wants to fuss with bandages that peel off and leave adhesive marks when you don't have to?  With Band-Aid Friction Block, $6.99 you will never have to deal with blisters again.

It's an invisible alternative to bandages, looks like a mini deodorant stick and fits perfectly in small bags and clutches. You don't have to search high and low,  because Band-Aid Friction Block is available at any drug store.
Planning to rock a brand new pair of shoes or know where your old shoes rub? Just roll on Band-Aid Friction Block onto the problem area and forget all about it. We all spend countless hours on our feet working and running daily errands, so only commit to a shoes that feel as fabulous as they look. If you run into a problem you can always refer back to my tips, but whatever you do, avoid Shoe-icide at all costs. Happy shoe shopping, ladies!


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