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Cinedelphia Bringing Hollywood to Philly, Kind of, Not Really

If you're a movie junkie like myself, and take pride in being from Philadelphia like myself, and enjoy things that combine the two like myself, you'll dig this website:

It's a hub for any and everything film-related in Philadelphia. One can find screenings at familiar venues that you wouldn't think to visit for a movie (Goon at the Troc), watch interviews with directors and actors, and scour well-written reviews from great local critics. It's an awesome site to visit after you come out feeling super inspired after seeing Lincoln and want to start changing the world and get all artistic. 

They're holding The Cinedelphia Film Festival from April 4th thru 27th which features 40 programs over 24 days of ALL Philly-based films. With the screenings held at various locations, its also a good opportunity to go out and discover some new places in the city. You'll see everything from  OMG NO WAY Rocky to documentaries about the city's history to films made by the creative folks living right here under your nose. So hop on that website, check out the festival schedule and see something new!

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