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5 Beauty Secrets The Stars Don't Want You To Know

There is no shortage of beautiful young women in this world. It's when women reach a certain threshold, when their skin starts to lose elasticity and bags begin to form under their eyes that they start to scramble for a quick fix. But besides resorting to surgery and Botox, is there something else that we as women can do?


Stars have always seemed to defy the odds at looking younger than their actual age. What is their secret and how does the everyday woman achieve superstar looks without going under the knife or spending a fortune? My advice is to start early. Don't wait until the signs of aging appear. But regardless of where you are in the process of staying young, incorporate the following easy and inexpensive tricks into your daily routine and watch yourself transform.


1) Extra Virgin, please You can end up spending a fortune on moisturizers that promise to make you look younger. Little do you know, the miracle potion you've been looking for has been right there in your kitchen pantry all along. Loaded with antioxidants, extra virgin olive oil has a multitude of beauty uses.

Eye Makeup Remover: Everyone knows how stubborn waterproof products can be. Well, olive oil is the perfect solution, literally. Not only does it work like magic at removing makeup, it leaves your delicate under eye skin baby smooth without clogging pores and actually smooths out wrinkles. I read that some of my favorite stars use this technique and had to try it for myself. I have to say, my skin has never felt softer and it seemed to have worked the same if not better than my expensive La Prairie skin caviar cream. Olive oil, ladies will hydrate sensitive skin and after using just a few times, will make the dark circles under your eyes became less noticeable.

Skin Moisturizer: I have never committed to a single brand of skin moisturizer because as soon as I grow to like one, it becomes discontinued. So sticking to the benefits of olive oil, I researched that it is also a safe and healthy way to moisturize your largest organ-the skin. Apply extra virgin olive oil to damp skin, the water will help reduce any feeling of greasiness. In her best-selling book

The Passionate Olive, Carol Firenze suggests making a moisturizer made of Italian parsley, water, and extra virgin olive oil. So, give it a try!

Exfoliator: If you were so floored by the potencies of olive oil, that you purchased a supply that will last you a lifetime, try making your own scrub. If you have dry skin, mix extra virgin olive oil with sea salt. The combination will leave your skin soft and supple.


2) When life gives you lemons....

Make lemon juice then use it as a cleanser and toner all in one. This trick used by the Hollywood elite, keeps your skin fresh, clear and blemish-free. Just like any expensive toner, it helps shrink pores and maintains an even complexion. If you're looking for an added bonus, citric acid also acts as an exfoliator. Have sun spots? Lemon juice can help diminish the look of those, too. Just apply natural lemon juice it to a cotton ball and sweep entirely across your face as part of your daily beauty regiment.

Natural Highlighter: It's a scientific fact that lemon juice can also lighten your hair. The acid in the lemon slowly strips your hair of its color, producing golden highlights. So, brush some streaks into your hair, sit in the sun and watch the natural lightening process in action.

3) Got Milk?
There's a supermodel trick, that has been keeping a certain 80’s supermodel looking lovelier with every passing year and it's milk. The same nutrients that are so good for you when you ingest them can be applied externally to your skin. Cleopatra was known to soak in milk baths, and in 2011, women are spraying their faces with a mixture that part milk, part water. This spray, when spritzed on regularly throughout the day, locks in skin’s moisture and keeps your complexion glowing.
4) Berry, berry white
Sure, there are white strips and bleaching trays that can help you achieve a gleaming smile. But what do you do when your dentist appointment can't come soon enough? A few A-list celebs have been known to use a home remedy to brighten their teeth. You simply puree strawberries with baking soda and brush into your teeth a few times a week.
Strawberries are known to have an enzyme called malic acid which is a whitening agent. Used along with baking soda, which is already in every whitening toothpaste and you've got yourself a whitening duo. I tried it myself, and definitely noticed more sparkle to my smile. It sounds like a baking experiment gone bad, but trust me, it works and it tastes delicious. Another little unknown tip, drink everything with a straw to keep your teeth white longer.
5) You've got to plump it up Lip injections? No thank you. It’s been reported that a few popular singers actually prefer a peppermint extract over the painful pocking of the needle. Peppermint extract is a natural plumper as it dilates blood vessels leaving you looking natural, youthful and fabulous. It tingles as bit, so you know that it's working. To use, simply dab a bit on with your finger and enjoy your sexy plump lips. So you see ladies, we are all bound by the same dreams and desires of staying young and beautiful. Be it a model, an actress or a stay at home mom how you go about achieving your goals is a personal matter. I hope that this post helps shed light on some of the more natural options and alternative used by the stars and now You! - Biana  

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